Choose the correct translation. Хотите мороженного? Would you like some ice-cream? Do you like some ice-cream?

Вопрос посетителя

Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … are these people?
 (*ответ*) Who
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … are you going on holiday with?
 (*ответ*) Who
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … car is this? Is it Jim’s?
 (*ответ*) Whose
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … colour is your bag?
 (*ответ*) What
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … do you think about this picture?
 (*ответ*) What
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … is your address?
 (*ответ*) What
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … of your friends lives in Brazil?
 (*ответ*) Which
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … sort of car is it?
 (*ответ*) What
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … sweater will you take: the blue one or the black one?
 (*ответ*) Which
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … told you about it?
 (*ответ*) Who
Choose the correct result. Eight multiplied by four is … .
 (*ответ*) thirty-two
Choose the correct result. Five from ten equals … .
 (*ответ*) five
Choose the correct result. Nine nines are … .
 (*ответ*) eighty-one
Choose the correct result. One hundred and twenty divided by six is … .
 (*ответ*) twenty
 one hundred and twenty-six
 one hundred and fourteen
Choose the correct result. One third and four sixths make … .
 (*ответ*) one
 five sixths
Choose the correct result. Six fives are … .
 (*ответ*) thirty
Choose the correct result. Thirty-six divided by six equals … .
 (*ответ*) six
Choose the correct result. Twelve divided by four is … .
 (*ответ*) three
Choose the correct result. Twenty-five take away seven equals … .
 (*ответ*) eighteen
Choose the correct result. Two times four goes … .
 (*ответ*) eight
Choose the correct translation. Кто из вас бывал в Америке?
 (*ответ*) Which of you has been to America?
 Who from you has been to America?
 Which of you have gone to America?
 Who of yours have been to America?
Choose the correct translation. С кем ты танцевала на вечеринке?
 (*ответ*) Who did you dance with at the party?
 Who danced you with at the party?
 With whose did you dance at the party?
 Who danced with you at the party?
Choose the correct translation. Ты знаешь, когда он вернется?
 (*ответ*) Do you know when he’ll be back?
 Do you know when he came back?
 Do you know that he’ll be back?
 Do you know when will he be back?
Choose the correct translation. Хотите мороженного?
 (*ответ*) Would you like some ice-cream?
 Do you like some ice-cream?
 Would you like any ice-cream?
 Would you like something ice-cream?

Ответ эксперта

Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … are these people?
 (*ответ*) Who
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … are you going on holiday with?
 (*ответ*) Who
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … car is this? Is it Jim’s?
 (*ответ*) Whose
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … colour is your bag?
 (*ответ*) What
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … do you think about this picture?
 (*ответ*) What
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … is your address?
 (*ответ*) What
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … of your friends lives in Brazil?
 (*ответ*) Which
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … sort of car is it?
 (*ответ*) What
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … sweater will you take: the blue one or the black one?
 (*ответ*) Which
Choose the correct interrogative pronoun. … told you about it?
 (*ответ*) Who
Choose the correct result. Eight multiplied by four is … .
 (*ответ*) thirty-two
Choose the correct result. Five from ten equals … .
 (*ответ*) five
Choose the correct result. Nine nines are … .
 (*ответ*) eighty-one
Choose the correct result. One hundred and twenty divided by six is … .
 (*ответ*) twenty
 one hundred and twenty-six
 one hundred and fourteen
Choose the correct result. One third and four sixths make … .
 (*ответ*) one
 five sixths
Choose the correct result. Six fives are … .
 (*ответ*) thirty
Choose the correct result. Thirty-six divided by six equals … .
 (*ответ*) six
Choose the correct result. Twelve divided by four is … .
 (*ответ*) three
Choose the correct result. Twenty-five take away seven equals … .
 (*ответ*) eighteen
Choose the correct result. Two times four goes … .
 (*ответ*) eight
Choose the correct translation. Кто из вас бывал в Америке?
 (*ответ*) Which of you has been to America?
 Who from you has been to America?
 Which of you have gone to America?
 Who of yours have been to America?
Choose the correct translation. С кем ты танцевала на вечеринке?
 (*ответ*) Who did you dance with at the party?
 Who danced you with at the party?
 With whose did you dance at the party?
 Who danced with you at the party?
Choose the correct translation. Ты знаешь, когда он вернется?
 (*ответ*) Do you know when he’ll be back?
 Do you know when he came back?
 Do you know that he’ll be back?
 Do you know when will he be back?
Choose the correct translation. Хотите мороженного?
 (*ответ*) Would you like some ice-cream?
 Do you like some ice-cream?
 Would you like any ice-cream?
 Would you like something ice-cream?

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