Choose the correct response (a-e) to the statements (1-4 . There is one statement that you do not need to use. Listen and check. 1 Did you have a nice holiday?

Вопрос от пользователя

Choose the correct response (a-e) to the statements (1-4 . There is one statement that you do not need to use. Listen and check.
1 Did you have a nice holiday?
2 What a fantastic suntan!
3 I’m going on holiday next week.
4 I hear you’re going on a cruise.
a Have a nice time!
b Yes, I can’t wait!
c Yes, it was great.
d I’ve just got back
e Thanks!
Before you listen, read the questions and possible answers. Think of synonyms or similar expressions for the possible answers. This will help you do the task.

Ответ от эксперта

1. c
2. e
3. a
4. b

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