Choose the correct modals. 1 You shouldn’t/needn’t run if a grizzly bear approaches you. 2 Taking up a new sport must/might

Вопрос от пользователя

Choose the correct modals.
1 You shouldn’t/needn’t run if a grizzly bear approaches you.
2 Taking up a new sport must/might be a good way for you to lose weight.
3 I mustn’t/don’t have to go to school tomorrow; it’s Saturday.
4 You don’t have to/mustn’t drive while tired.
5 You must/might see a doctor immediately if a raccoon scratches you.

Ответ от эксперта

1 shouldn’t (не следует)
2 might (может)
3 don’t have to (не приходится)
4 mustn’t (не должен)
5 must (должен)

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