Choose the correct item 1 My mum and dad go / are going to the cinema on Fridays. 2 I’m cooking / cook with my friend Julie at the moment.

Вопрос от пользователя

Choose the correct item
1 My mum and dad go / are going to the cinema on Fridays.
2 I’m cooking / cook with my friend Julie at the moment.
3 We always buy / are buying fresh fruit from the market.
4 She is having / has breakfast every day at 7:30.
5 She makes / is making some fresh orange juice. Would anyone like some?

Ответ от эксперта

  1. My mum and dad go/are going to the cinema on Fridays. — Мои мама и папа ходят в кино по пятницам.
  2. I’m cooking/cook with my friend Julie at the moment. — Я готовлю с моей подругой Джулией прямо сейчас
  3. We always buy/are buying fresh fruit from the market. — Мы всегда покупаем свежие фрукты на рынке.
  4. She is having/has breakfast every day at 7:30. — Она завтракает каждый день в 7:30
  5. She makes/is making some fresh orange juice. Would anyone like some? — Она делает свежевыжатый апельсиновый сок. Кто-нибудь хочет?
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