Choose the correct alternative to fill in each gap in the sentences. Circle your choice. 0) I think we should /(musi)go to Spain instead of Australia. It will be cheaper,

Вопрос от пользователя

Choose the correct alternative to fill in each gap in the sentences. Circle your choice.
0)   I think we should /(musi)go to Spain instead of Australia. It will be cheaper,
1)   Last year I should / was able to visit England twice.
2)   Do you know if we must / couldn’t have visas to go to the Caribbean?
3)   We needn’t / couldn’t book the tickets. We will go on a package holiday.
4)   The statistics shows that last year more tourists could / will be able to afford to go abroad for their holidays.
5)   Passengers must not / needn’t carry more than one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.
6)  You shouldn’t / couldn’t ask foreigners personal questions, because it is not polite.
7)   I think you really will be able to / ought to apologize.

Ответ от эксперта

1) was able to; 2) must; 3) needn’t; 4) could; 5) must not; 6) shouldn’t; 7) ought to

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