Choose test or exam to complete the sentences. 1 She fainted while she was getting a blood……. 2 My brother passed his driving……yesterday.

Вопрос от пользователя

Choose test or exam to complete the sentences.
1 She fainted while she was getting a blood…….
2 My brother passed his driving……yesterday.
3 When is your university entrance……?
4 I can’t see that far. Maybe I should have an eye
5 Do you prefer sitting a written or an oral……?
6 Have you revised for your final……?

Ответ от эксперта

1 test (сдавать)
2 test (сдавать)
3 exam (экзамен)
4 test (сдавать тест)
5 exam (экзамен)
6 exam (экзамен)

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