Chit-Chat I go to the cinema once a week. Gary has guitar lessons twice a week. Emma washes her hair three times a week.

Вопрос от пользователя

I go to the cinema once a week. Gary has guitar lessons twice a week. Emma washes her hair three times a week.
A: How often do they play volleyball at the sports centre? B: Twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.

Ответ от эксперта

A: How often do they play badminton at the sports centre? — Как часто играют в бадминтон в спортивном центре?
В: Once a week, on Tuesdays. — Раз в неделю, по вторникам.

A: How often do they play baseball at the sports centre? — Как часто играют в бейсбол в спортивном центре?
В: Twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays. — Два раза в неделю, по четвергам и воскресеньям.

A: How often do they play table tennis at the sports centre? — Как часто играют в настольный теннис в спортивном центре?
В: Every day. — Каждый день.

A: How often do they play hockey at the sports centre? — Как часто играют в хоккей в спортивном центре?
В: Once a week, on Saturdays. — Раз в неделю, по субботам.

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