Check these words in the Word List. Use them to complete the sentences 1-8. • acquaintance • nephew • niece • stepmother • classmates • neighbours • aunt • colleagues 1 We all have the same lessons. We are…….

Вопрос от пользователя

Check these words in the Word List. Use them to complete the sentences 1-8.
•    acquaintance • nephew • niece • stepmother
•    classmates • neighbours • aunt • colleagues
1    We all have the same lessons. We are…….
2    I don’t know him well. He’s just an…….
3    He works with my dad. They’re…….
4    She’s my uncle’s wife. She’s my…….
5    They live next door. They’re our…….
6    She’s the woman who has married my father. She’s my…….
7    She’s the daughter of my sister. She’s my…….
8    He’s the son of my mother’s sister. He’s my mother’s…….

Ответ от эксперта

1 classmates (одноклассники)
2 acquaintance (знакомые)
3 colleagues (коллеги)
4 aunt (тетя)
5 neighbours (соседи)
6 stepmother (мачеха)
7 niece (племянница)
8 nephew (племянник)

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