Check these idioms in Appendix 3. Use them to complete the exchange. • the ball is in your court • get off the hook • t the ball rolling

Вопрос от пользователя

Check these idioms in Appendix 3. Use them to complete the exchange.
• the ball is in your court
• get off the hook
• t the ball rolling
• saved by the bell
• throw in the towel
1 A: Did Tim’s teacher shout at him for not doing his homework?
B: No, he …….. because she was in a hurry today.
2 A: You’re lucky there was no time left to ask you questions.
В: I know. I………
3 A: I’m fed up. Whatever I do I just can’t get it right.
B: Come on. You’re not going to ……, are you?
4 A: Do you think your husband will make the decision?
B: No, I think……
5 A: Nothing’s happening. What should I do now?
B: If you call a meeting that should………

Ответ от эксперта

1 was saved by the bell (был спасен)
2 got off the hook (вышел из затруднительного положения)
3 throw in the towel (сдаться)
4 the ball is in my court (твоя очередь)
5 get the ball rolling (положить начало)

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