Celebrations are always great fun. So, why not invent some more holidays? 1) Read about the holiday Tracy would like to have. Choose the appropriate word to fill in each gap in the story.

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Celebrations are always great fun. So, why not invent some more holidays? 1)  Read about the holiday Tracy would like to have. Choose the appropriate word to fill in each gap in the story.
I’d like (0) to set up Flowers Day on April 15th. I want people all over the
world to (1) ___________ this holiday
by   (2)   ____________   flowers   in   their
towns. This is how you can (3)__________
to the day and make our towns better.
Also you can (4)_______greetings cards
with flowers on them to your friends and
relatives. (5)_____________flower fairs
can also be a wonderful idea. I’m sure everybody will enjoy (6) ____
this holiday. I’m looking forward to (7)______________Flowers Day.
0    a    set up    ®    to set up    с    setting up
1    a    celebrate    b    provide    с    carry
2    a    plant    b    planting    с    plants
3    a    put    b    volunteer    с    contribute
4    a    donate    b    support    с    send
5    a    Organise    b    Organising    с    Organisation
6    a    have    b    having    с    to have
7    a    celebrate    b    celebrating    с    celebration

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1 a 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 b 6 b 7 b

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