British kids spend more time playing alone than with friends. Does Joe like staying at home alone? For sentences 1-12 choose the correct variant.

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British kids spend more time playing alone than with friends. Does Joe like staying at home alone? For sentences 1-12 choose the correct variant.
I live in a very nice place with a park and a big (1)____________I like playing with my friends there.
But my friends live in (2) ___________ places and we
don’t play together very often.
But sometimes I like playing alone. I am (3)
___________ and I can do everything I like. Some children are (4)___________to stay at home alone but
I am not. First, I’ve got Cherry the dog. Second, I am alone from 3:00 till my mum comes at 6 (5)
____________So I don’t (6)____________But I’m
scared to stay at home alone (7)____________
When I am at home alone, I can listen to my (8)
___________ music, watch TV in my (9)____________
I’m home alone right now. I have done my (10)
__________ and now I am writing this (11)_________
Sorry … Cherry is jumping on my parents’ (12)
___________! It’s not much fun! Mum will get angry!

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