At Christmas in Russia children go from house to house and sing songs. They should follow safety rules. What are these rules? Make sentences. (0) cautious / be / should / you / strangers

Вопрос от пользователя

At Christmas in Russia children go from house to house and sing songs. They should follow safety rules. What are these rules? Make sentences.
(0) cautious / be / should / you / strangers / of Уоu should he nf strangers.
1  check with / before / go / you / you / should / your parents / anywhere  
2  your parents’ / ask / you / permission / should
3 with / go / should /^your friend / you
4 should / you / dark houses / be / of / cautious
5 a house or a flat / you / go into / shouldn’t
6 think / should / about / you / your / safety

Ответ от эксперта

(0) You should be cautious of strangers.
(1) You should check with your parents before you go anywhere.
(2) You should ask your parents’ permission.
(3)You should go with your friend
(4) You should be cautious of dark houses.
(5) You shouldn’t go into a house or a flat.
(6) You should think about your safety.

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