Ask questions to the words in bold. 1 My roommate speaks on the phone for hours. She is such a chatterbox!

Вопрос от пользователя

Ask questions to the words in bold.
1 My roommate speaks on the phone for hours. She is such a chatterbox!
2 Everybody in our class envies Cathy. Her father often takes her on research expeditions to Australia.
3 We told Jessica that she should be more tactful and polite with people. She ignored our advice.
4 Lily enjoyed watching cartoons when she was little, but her younger sister doesn’t care for them at all.
5 It normally takes me five minutes to take a shower in the morning.
6 Lisa was in New York last year. She tells everyone about it.

Ответ от эксперта

1 How long does she speak on the phone? (Как долго она говорит по телефону?)
2 Who envied Cathy? (Кто завидует Кэти?)
3 What did she ignore? (Что она проигнорировала?)
4 What did she enjoy watching? (Что ей нравится смотреть?)
5 How long does it take you to have a shower? (Сколько времени у тебя занимает принять душ?)
6 Who was in New York last year? Who does she tell about it? (Кто был в Нью-Йорке в прошлом году? Кому она рассказала об этом?)

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