Ask and answer questions A: Who’s Sarah? A: Whose brother is Joe? B: She’s Kate’s mother. 8: Kate and Sally’s.

Вопрос от пользователя

Ask and answer questions
A:   Who’s Sarah?     A: Whose brother is Joe?
B:  She’s Kate’s mother.   8: Kate and Sally’s.

Ответ от эксперта

A: Who’s Kevin?
В: He’s Sally, Kate and Joe’s father.
A: Whose father is George?
B: He is Kevin’s father.
A: Whose daughter is Sarah?
B: She is Lyn’s daughter.
A: Who is Kate?
B: She is Kevin and Sarah’s daugther.
A: Who is Joe’ grandfather?
B: George is.
A: Who’s George?
B: He’s Lyn’s husband, Sarah’s father and Sally, Joe and Kate’s grandfather.
A: Whose sister is Kate?
B: She’s Joe and Sally’s sister.

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