Ask a classmate some of the questions below. Ask for details and report on his / her achievements. How many … new books have you read? … new films have you seen?

Вопрос от пользователя

Ask a classmate some of the questions below. Ask for details and report on his / her achievements.
How many
… new books have you read?
… new films have you seen?
… new friends have you made?
… interesting people have you met?
… new places have you been to?
… have you helped?
… has helped you?
Andrew didn’t waste any time on his holiday. He read more than twenty hooks and made lots of new friends. Now he has friends in Smolensk where he was on holiday. He is also very proud that he helped his younger brother learn how to swim. Now his brother is going to join the school team and to take part in swimming competitions.

Ответ от эксперта

1. How many new books have you read? (Как много новых книг ты прочитал?)
How many new films have you seen? (Сколько новых фильмов ты увидел?)
How many interesting people have you met? (Сколько интересных людей ты встретил?)
Who has helped you? (Кто помог тебе?)

2. Vladimir had lots of free time on his holiday and he did a lot of incredibly interesting things this summer. To begin with, he read all the books from the summer reading list and learned more than fifteen poems by Russian poets by heart. Besides, he often went to the cinema with his friends and saw about twenty new films. Vladimir travelled abroad and met a lot of interesting people there. Now he has friends in New York where he was on his holiday. This summer gave him much time to take up a new hobby. His father helped him learn how to surf. Now Vladimir stands up on a surfboard confidently, so he’s going to participate in some surfing competitions in Hawaii next summer.

У Владимира было много свободного времени на каникулах, и он сделал много невероятно интересных вещей этим летом. Начнем с того, что он прочитал все книги из списка летнего чтения и выучил более пятнадцати стихотворений русских поэтов наизусть. Кроме того, он часто ходил в кино со своими друзьями и посмотрел около двадцати новых фильмов. Владимир ездил за границу и встретил много интересных людей там. Теперь у него есть друзья в Нью-Йорке, где он был на отдыхе. Это лето предоставило ему много времени, чтобы завести новое хобби. Его отец помог ему научиться серфингу.Сейчас Владимир встает на доску для серфинга уверенно, так что он собирается принять участие в некоторых соревнованиях по серфингу на Гавайях летом следующего года.

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