Ashley’s friends have come to her room. They can see some changes. What questions do they ask? Use the verbs from the box to write Present Perfect questions. 0. The door is yellow now.

Вопрос от пользователя

Ashley’s friends have come to her room. They can see some changes. What questions do they ask? Use the verbs from the box to write Present Perfect questions.
0. The door is yellow now.
Have you repainted the door?
1.  There is a new bed in the room.
2. The wardrobe is white now.
3. There are no posters on the wall.
4. There are old pictures on the wall.
5. There are no books on the table.
6. There is no lamp on the table.

Ответ от эксперта

1.There is a new bed in the room.
Have you bought a new bed?
 2.The wardrobe is white now.
 Have you repainted the wardrobe?

3.There are no posters on the wall.
 Have you taken the posters away from the wall?
4.There are old pictures on the wall.
 Have you put old pictures on the wall?
5. There are no books on the table.
Have you put the books in the bookcase?
6. There is no lamp on the table.
 Have you taken the lamp away from the table?

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