Andy and Ashley are going to be late for their School Summer Fair. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Вопрос посетителя

Andy and Ashley are going to be late for their School Summer Fair. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Ashley:  Has  granny (0) (make)  made the biscuits? Andy:  Of course,  she  has.
Ashley:   Have  you  (1)  (put)   ___________  them  into  the
bag,  Jack?
Andy:  Of course  not.  You can  do  that.
Ashley:   No,   I   can’t.   I   haven’t   (2)   (get)   ____________
Andy:  And I  haven’t  (3)  (clean)________my shoes!
Ashley: And you haven’t (4) (paint)_______your face!
Andy:   I’m   (5)   (look)   ___________   for   the   face   paints
and I can’t find them. Has dad (6) (buy) ___________
Sparky: Take me to the fair and I’ll bring you the
paints. I like fairs and I like biscuits.
Andy: Don’t be silly, Sparky! We are (7) (not/go)
_______ to take you. I’ll bring you some
biscuits back home.
Sparky: Good boy! Thanks a lot! Here are the paints.

Ответ эксперта

Энди и Эшли собираются припоздниться на школьной летней ярмарке. Заполните пропуски с помощью правильной формы глаголов из скобок.
(1) put; (2) got; (3) cleaned; (4) painted; (5) looking; (6) bought; (7) not going.

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