Americans say, «The President proposes (предполагает), but Congress disposes Why do they think so? Find the reasons in the information below and i

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Americans say, «The President proposes (предполагает), but Congress disposes
Why do they think so? Find the reasons in the information below and in the scheme on p. 45.
The three main branches of government are separate from one another. The powers given to each are balanced by the other two. Each branch is a check on the others. The system of checks and balances protects against extremes (крайности). The system keeps any branch from getting too much power or using its powers wrongly. For example, new presidents cannot change the government policies as they wish. According to the US Constitution Congress and the Supreme Court control the president’s power. The system of checks and balances makes compromise necessary.

Ответ эксперта

They think so because Congress can pass laws over the President’s veto and it controls the President’s power. (Они так считают, потому что Конгресс может провести закон, минуя вето президента, и он контролирует власть президента.)

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