Amanda has come back from Africa where her parents worked as volunteers. Now Amanda is sharing her impressions about the trip with her classmates. Choose the best answer to match each situation.

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Amanda has come back from Africa where her parents worked as volunteers. Now Amanda is sharing her impressions about the trip with her classmates. Choose the best answer to match each situation.
1)  — Amanda, where did you spend your holidays?
— I went to Africa. My parents worked there for the children’s charity UNICEF.
2)  — There were no TV or computers in the houses there.
3)  — Once we travelled around and I saw elephants, lions and giraffes.
4)  — I taught the local children English and they taught me their traditions.
5)  — I made friends with some local children there and now we write letters to each other. Would you like to have a pen friend in Africa?
6)   — When I’m an adult, I want to do volunteer work in some poor country.
a)  — That would be wonderful! I like writing letters.
b)  — I don’t find it exciting. I personally can’t live without my computer.
c)  — Really? That’s wonderful!
d)  — It sounds great! I find volunteering very important.
e)  — Terrific! Actually, I saw them only in the zoo.
f)  — What a great idea! Learning about other people’s culture is very interesting!

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1 c 2 b  3 e 4 f 5 a 6 d

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