Alton Towers is a theme park in England. Here are some events at Alton Towers with Clare’s comments. 1) How do visitors spend time in the park during the year? What can they do in the park?

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Alton Towers is a theme park in England. Here are some events at Alton Towers with Clare’s comments.
1) How do visitors spend time in the park during the year? What can they do in the park?
2)  The Atkinsons have bought tickets for the opening party in the park.
How are they going to spend time in the park?
3)  Clare was in the park in October.
Which events did she enjoy? What did she do in the park?
4) What did Clare write about her visit to Alton Towers? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Ответ эксперта

Олтен Тауэрз — тематический парк в Англии. Перед вами несколько особых событий Олтен Тауэрз Парка с комментариями Клэр.
4) Что Клэр написала о своём визите в Олтен Тауэрз Парк? Заполните пропуски словами и фразами из рамки.
I went to Alton Towers on Sunday. I was enjoying the best rides all day long. I was riding on the roller coaster for some minutes but I will remember it for all my life. Alton Towers has a long history. It was one of the first Chinese gardens  in   Britain  between   1814  and   1827.
Now it is the largest theme park with more than 125 rides. A lot of children and grown-ups visit the park every day. It’s open from March to September. I’m going to go there again in October. They are having a Halloween Party and fireworks on 31 October.

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