A friend of yours has won a scholarship to study at a summer school. Write a greetings card to congratulate your friend. Use the cards in Exs.3 & 5 as a model. (30-40 words.)

Вопрос посетителя

A friend of yours has won a scholarship to study at a summer school. Write a greetings card to congratulate your friend. Use the cards in Exs.3 & 5 as a model. (30-40 words.)

Ответ эксперта

Dear Tanya,
Congratulations on winning the summer school scholarship! I’m sure you’ll enjoy studying and living in London. Best of luck with everything!
Will be thinking of you,
Дорогая Таня,
Поздравляю с выигрышем летнего школьного обучения! Я уверена, тебе понравится учиться и жить в Лондоне. Удачи во всем!
С любовью,

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