Listen to Barry talking to his friend about his holiday. For questions 1-5, tick (√) A or B 1.Barry is going to go to

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Listen to Barry talking to his friend about his holiday. For questions 1-5, tick (√) A or B
1.Barry is going to go to

Ответ от эксперта

  1. Barry is going to go to Wales. B) — Барри собирается поехать в Уэльс.
  2. The train costs 50 pounds. A) — Билет на поезд стоит 50 фунтов.
  3. The hotel is called “The Beach Hotel». В) — Отель называется «Пляжный отель».
  4. The owner of the hotel is Mr. Rhys. A) — Владелец гостиницы — господин Райс.
  5. In the evening the weather is usually windy. В) — По вечерам пого­да обычно ветреная.
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