Complete the sentences There is a glass (glass) on the table. There … two … (sandwich) in the lunch box. There … two … (shelf) in the bedroom. There … three … (box) over there.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences
There is a glass (glass) on the table. There … two … (sandwich) in the lunch box. There … two … (shelf) in the bedroom. There … three … (box) over there. There … four… (dish) in the cupboard,  There … a … (mirror) next to the sofa.

Ответ от эксперта

  1. There is a glass on the table — Стакан на столе.
  2. There are two sandwiches in the lunch box. — Два бутерброда в ланч-боксе.
  3. There are two shelves in the bedroom. — Две полки в спальне.
  4. There are three boxes over there. — Три коробки вон там.
  5. There are four dishes in the cupboard. — Четыре тарелки в шкафу
  6. There is a mirrir next to the sofa. — Зеркало рядом с софой
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