Make a list of places Lucy and her family are going to visit. Use your list to tell the group about Lucy’s family’s plans

Вопрос посетителя

Make a list of places Lucy and her family are going to visit. Use your list to tell the group about Lucy’s family’s plans

Ответ эксперта

They’re going to visit the Kremlin, Red Square, St Basil’s Church, Lenin’s Tomb, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and The State History Museum. They’re also going to visit the Bolshoi Ballet Theatre and the GUM department store. — Они собираются посетить Кремль, Красную площадь, Собор Василия Блаженного, Мавзолей Ленина, Пушкинский музей изобразительных искусств и Государственный исторический музей

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