Read the extracts. What is each person’s problem? What other problems do you think a teenager can have? Aunt Claire

Вопрос посетителя

Read the extracts. What is each person’s problem? What other problems do you think a teenager can have?
Aunt Claire
I’m new at school and very shy. Recently some older kids have been bullying me by saying nasty things about the way I look. I’m afraid that if I speak to any of the teachers, things will get worse. I keep missing school because of it. How can I put an end to all this?
Stuart (14) Manchester
I got bad marks in my exams and now my parents want me to quit the football team. Football’s my life! Helpl
David (15) London
I don’t like the way I look. I hate the pimples on my skin and I have gained a lot of weight! What can I do?
Sarah (16) Birmingham
I want to go on holiday this summer. My parents say it is too expensive and I’m too young to go on my own. Any advice?
Karen (15) Glasgow
Letters of advice are usually informal in style and are written to express sympathy and encouragement. In the first paragraph we express our sympathy and state the reason for writing. In the main body paragraph we give our advice and possible results. In the last paragraph we write our closing remarks.

Ответ эксперта

Stuart — is being bullied at school (Стюарт – над ним насмехаются в школе)
David — his parents want him to quit the football team because of his poor grades (Давид – его родители хотят, чтобы он ушел из футбольной команды из-за плохих оценок)
Sarah — doesn’t like the way she looks (Сара – ей не нравится то, как она выглядит)
Karen — her parents don’t want her to go on holiday on her own (Карен – ее родители не хотят, чтобы она поехала в отпуск сама)
Other problems: (другие проблемы)
low self-esteem (низкая самооценка), not having enough money/ freedom (недостаточно денег/свободы), parents worry too much (родители слишком много беспокоятся), pressure of exams (давление на экзаменах), parents not liking friends etc (родителям не нравятся друзья)

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