Listen to the speakers 1-6. Which of the comments below might each speaker make? There is one comment that you do not need to use. A A similar desire runs in my family.

Вопрос посетителя

Listen to the speakers 1-6. Which of the comments below might each speaker make? There is one comment that you do not need to use.
A A similar desire runs in my family.
В I think talent is only part of what I need to succeed.
С I think most people know what they want to be.
D I want to go into the family business.
E I changed my mind about what I wanted to do.
F I’m not studying what I love but what I think will be useful for my future.
G My parents support my ambition.
Текст аудирования:
Speaker 1: I’ve never wanted to be anything but an actress. It’s a tough life and I know that few people make a living from it, but acting is my passion. The parents of some of the kids in my acting class tell them to keep acting as their hobby. That they shouldn’t think of it as a potential career. But my parents say that I should go with my heart. I really appreciate the fact that they say I should do what I love for a career. Even if it means that my life won’t perhaps be as easy as it would be if I pursue a more traditional career path.
Speaker 2: My Mum and Dad own a restaurant … one of the most popular restaurants in the city, actually. They started it when I was little and I spent all my summers helping them out in it when I was growing up. For a few years now, they’ve been thinking about expanding the business … opening up two or three more eateries in different parts of the city. That’s why I chose to do business studies at university. I’m in my final year now and I really can’t wait to start working with them. I want to put everything I’ve learnt into making our business become even more successful!
Speaker 3: I want to be a singer. Not one of those manufactured pop stars that get their break into the industry because of some reality TV show, but someone who makes it because they genuinely have talent. People tell me that I have a shot. They say I have something special … Nevertheless, I know that there are thousands of kids like me who dream of the same thing. That’s why I’m not taking any chances. I’m pursuing a singing career in my spare time but I’m studying accounting at university. That way, if I don’t make it, I’ll be able to fall back on a more guaranteed career.
Speaker 4: There have been doctors in my family for generations. Two of my grandparents are doctors, my mother is a doctor and my brother is studying to be a doctor. I suppose that a background like this pushes you in one of two directions: either you are completely turned off medicine or you want to become part of it. I feel the latter. Like my mum and brother, I have never considered becoming anything else but a doctor. Next year I’m starting medical school … and I can’t wait!
Speaker 5: For years, I was certain that I wanted to be an engineer. Maths was always my best subject at school and it seemed the obvious choice to join my father and uncle in the family business. But in my final year of school, I went to a lecture on cosmology with one of my friends. I was fascinated by what I heard in the lecture, so I started reading up on the subject. I soon realised that there was nothing else I wanted to do with my life. Now I am in the middle of a physics degree at university, not an engineering degree!
Speaker 6: Should you pursue a career in which you have some natural talent? I think so. That’s why I want to be a fashion designer. It’s the area where I feel — and have been told — I have real talent. But I know how competitive the industry is. I know I will only succeed if I have drive and determination. I know it’s never just talent that gets you where you want to be but the ability to keep going no matter how many setbacks you have. Luckily I think I have this determination. I never take ‘no’ for an answer!

Ответ эксперта

Speaker 1 G
Speaker 2 D
Speaker 3 F
Speaker 4 A
Speaker 5 E
Speaker 6 B

А Похожее желание существует в моей семье.
В Я считаю, что талант это единственная составляющая того, что мне нужности достичь.
С Я считаю большинство людей знают кем они хотят быть.
D Я хочу заниматься семейным бизнесом.
Е Я поменял свое мнение по поводу того, что я хотел делать.
F Я изучаю не то, что мне нравится, а то, что я считаю будет полезным в будущем.
G Мои родители поддерживают мои честолюбивые замыслы.

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