In pairs, make a list of celebrations In your country. Which of the activities in Ex. 1 do you do during these celebrations?

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In pairs, make a list of celebrations In your country. Which of the activities in Ex. 1 do you do during these celebrations?

Ответ эксперта

Some traditional cele brations in Russia are Shrove Tide (Maslenitsa), Ivan Kupala Night, the Russian Winter and St
Petersburg White Nights Festival. We wear cos tumes and eat traditional food like pancakes dur ing Shrove Tide. — Традиционные празднования в России — Масленница, Ночь Ивана Купала, Русская зима и Санкт-Петербургский фестиваль «Белые ночи». Мы надеваем костюмы и едим традиционную еду, например, блины на Масленницу.

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