Listen and read the sentences below. Which belong to the receptionist/to the customer? What are they talking about? Listen and check. • How can I help you?

Вопрос посетителя

Listen and read the sentences below. Which belong to the receptionist/to the customer? What are they talking about? Listen and check.
• How can I help you?
• I’d like to book some theatre tickets,
• Which play would you like to see?
• How many seats would you like?
• Can I pay by credit card?
• How would you like to pay?
• The ones near the centre, I think.

Ответ эксперта

Receptionist: “How can I help you?”, “Which play would you like to see?”, “How many seats would you like?”, “How would you like to pay?” — Администратор: «Чем могу помочь?», «Какую пьесу вы хотели бы посмотреть?», «Сколько мест вы хотели бы взять?», «Как вы хотели бы заплатить?»

Customer: “I’d like to book some theatre tickets, please.”, “Can I pay by credit card?”, “The ones near the centre, I think.” — Клиент: «Я хотел бы заказать билеты в театр», «Могу я заплатить картой?», «Думаю, те, которые ближе к центру».

They’re talking about booking tickets for the theatre. — Они говорят о заказе билетов в театр

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