Match the verb forms with the tenses. Present Simple Present Progressive Present Perfect

Вопрос посетителя

Match the verb forms with the tenses. Present Simple
Present Progressive Present Perfect
(0) People usually  b a flower show.
a are visiting        b (visit)     с have visited
1  Visitors always ______________ souvenirs.
a buy       b are buying       с have bought
2  The people______in funny competitions since the first celebration.
a are taking part       b have taken part       с take part
3  The children and their parents _____________Russian food now.
a eat       b have eaten       с are eating
4  People_____________to folk (народная) music at the moment.
a have listened       b are listening       с listen
5  Children and their parents often ________________ pet shows.
a are visiting       b have visited       с visit
6  Children and their parents __________.____a folk concert now.
a enjoy       b are enjoying       с have enjoyed

Ответ эксперта

Present  0 1 5
Progressive 3 4 6
 Present Perfect 2

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