Divide the words and expressions in Ex. 9, p. 48 into two categories and fill in the table. Personal qualities Professional qualities or knowledge

Вопрос посетителя

Divide the words and expressions in Ex. 9, p. 48 into two categories and fill in the table.
Personal qualities
Professional qualities or knowledge

Ответ эксперта

Personal qualitiesперсональные качества: imaginative, well-organized, knowledgeable, able to work to tight deadlines, creative, interpersonal skills, able to make decisions, able to solve problems, negotiation skills, initiative, enthusiastic, responsible, competitive, persistent, inspirational, able to cope with stress, able to take risks, motivated, committed.
Professional qualities or knowledgeпрофессиональные качества или знания: well-educated, professional, knowledgeable, computer literate, able to work in a team, telephone skills, able to do research, negotiation skills, competent.

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