Work in groups of 3-4. Follow the steps: • Choose one of the linguistic puzzles on page 94. Discuss it in your group and find a solution to it. You

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Work in groups of 3-4. Follow the steps:
• Choose one of the linguistic puzzles on page 94. Discuss it in your group and find a solution to it. You have 10 minutes to solve it. If you have some time left, solve another problem.
• Now solve the logical problem. You have 10 minutes to solve it.
• Finally, choose an engineering task and perform it in 10-15 minutes.
• Report your results to the class and check them with your teacher.
• Analyse your performance on all the problems.
• What conclusions can you draw?
I with borrowed silver shine, What you see is none of mine. First I show you but a quarter, like the bow that guards the Tartar; Then the half, and then the whole, ever dancing around the pole; And true it is, I chiefly owe my beauty to the shades below. Who am I?
The more you make of me the more you leave behind. What am I?
Can you uncover what each group of three ha-in common?
1 doughnut notebook golf course
2 turtle peanut oyster
3 brown polar Kodiak
4 cough tear rain
5 soap granola candy
In your future and in your past I come and go so senseless and fast. My purpose is unknown to all, Remembrance seems to drift then fall. I travel by night and fade by day Because that is my common way
I have no voice, yet I speak to you; I tell of all things in the world that people do. I have leaves, but I am not a tree. I have a spine and hinges, but I am not a man or a door; I have told you all, I cannot tell you more. What am I?
Think of a number to continue the sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 18, …
If Peter gives Jane 20.00 roubles the money they each have is in the ratio 1:3, but if Jane gives Peter 20.00 roubles the money they each have is exactly the same. How much money have Peter and Jane each before they exchange any money?
Kate’s age plus Jim’s age is 27; and Kate’s age plus Ann’s age is 38; and Jim’s age plus Ann’s age is 33. Therefore, how old are Kate, Jim and Ann?
Engineering challenge tasks:
1 The objective in The Paper Tower challenge is to construct the tallest freestanding tower from a single sheet of paper and a small amount of tape. The tower must be able to stand on its own for at least 10 seconds.
2 The Spaghetti Cantilever challenge is a fun one. Each team is given a small package of spaghetti, a roll of tape and a table. The objective is to construct a cantilevered structure that extends as far from the table as possible without touching the ground. The structure must be attached to the top of the table and nowhere else. Because spaghetti is very brittle, the engineering becomes very important. Measurements should be taken from the edge of the table to the furthest point of the spaghetti structure.
3 In The Bridge challenge each team is given some building materials such as glue, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, or small pieces of wood. Each team should get the same amount of materials. The goal is to build a bridge that can span a 24-inch distance and support increasing amounts of weight. The bridge that can support the most weight before breaking the winner.

Ответ эксперта

Linguistic puzzles: (лингвистические загадки)
1. The Moon (луна)
2. Footprints (отпечатки)
3. Can you uncover what each group of three has in common?
-1 They all have holes. (у них у всех есть дырки)
-2 They all have shells. (у них у всех есть скорлупа)
-3 They are all kinds of bears. (это все виды медведей)
-4 They are all kinds of drops. (это все виды капель)
-5 They are all kinds of bars. (это все типы еды в буфете)
4. Dreams (мечты)
5. A book (книга)

Numerical tasks: (ответы на численные загадки
1. 22
Решение: 0(+1), 1(+1), 2(+l), 3(+2), 5(+2), 7(+2), 9(+3), 12(+3), 15(+3), 18(+4), 22
2. Peter has 60 roubles, Jane has 100 roubles
Задачу можно записать условно:
3. P-20 =J + 20
J-20= Р + 20
J = P+40
2Р= 120
Р=60, J=100
3. Kate is 16, Jim is 11, Ann is 22
Задачу можно записать условно:
K+J = 27
К + А = 38
J + А = 33
К = 27-J
27-J + А=38
A = 33-J
27-J+33-J = 38
22 = 2J
J = 11, К =16, A=22

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