Read the first and the last two exchanges in the dialogue. What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the dialogue about? Listen and check.

Вопрос посетителя

Read the first and the last two exchanges in the dialogue. What is the relationship between the speakers? What is the dialogue about? Listen and check.
Mr Smith: Good morning. Please have a seat.
Ann: Good morning. Thank you.
Mr Smith: So, Ann. What are you doing at the moment?
Ann: I’m studying Business at college, but my course finishes next month.
Mr Smith: I see. Do you have any experience as a secretary?
Ann: Yes. I’ve worked for a number of different companies during my college holidays, including Barnes & Bedford, the lawyers, last summer.
Mr Smith: That’s interesting. Do you know that in this job you will have to travel a lot?
Ann: Yes, and that’s not a problem at all. I enjoy travelling and I don’t mind working long hours or weekends.
Mr Smith: Excellent! Well, I think that’s all I need to know.
Ann: Do you mean I’ve got the job?
Mr Smith: Yes. Welcome to Brown’s.
Ann: Thank you! When can I start?
Mr Smith: As soon as you can, after your exams.

Ответ эксперта

Mr Smith is interviewing Ann for a job.
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