What do you usually eat at school: a sandwich, biscuits, crisps, soup, salad, fruit, a hot meal? Where do you get it/them from: home, the shops, the school canteen?

Вопрос посетителя

What do you usually eat at school:
a sandwich, biscuits, crisps, soup, salad, fruit, a hot meal? Where do you get it/them from: home, the shops, the school canteen?
> I usually eat a sandwich at school.
I get it from the school canteen.

Ответ эксперта

I usually eat an apple or banana at school at break time, and then I have a cheese or ham sandwich for lunch with some salad. I take it all from home — my mum gives it to me in the morning before I leave.
(Я обычно ем яблоко или банан в школе на перерыве, и затем ем бутерброд с сыром или ветчиной на обед и немного салата. Все это я беру из дома – моя мама дает это мне по утрам, до того как я уйду)

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