Can you guess when it was invented? By whom? Look at the timeline on the right and check. ‘… The Baird Company presents to the public the very latest marvel

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Can you guess when it was invented? By whom? Look at the timeline on the right and check.
‘… The Baird Company presents to the public the very latest marvel — Television — the science of seeing through wire a nd wireless. It is amazing that a person silting before the Baird transmitter can be seen thousands of miles away. Not a photograph, but an actual moving image of the subject can be seen and heard in any home fitted with the Baird Televisor’ receiving apparatus.’

Ответ эксперта

I think it was invented in 1925 by John Logie Baird (Я думаю, что он был изобретен в 1925 году Джоном Логи Бэрд)

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