The Douglases aiways plan what to do on holidays. When will they leave for their holidays? Fill in the gaps. Choose the correct verb forms in brackets.

Вопрос посетителя

The Douglases aiways plan what to do on holidays.
When will they leave for their holidays? Fill in the gaps. Choose the correct verb forms
in brackets.
I am Jay Douglas. My relatives are thinking about what to do in the summer.
My grandmother has decided what to do. She has bought tickets. She   (is leaving / will leave) tomorrow.
My sister doesn’t know where to go. I think she  
(is going / will go) to Edinburgh next week. She has got a lot of
friends there.
My parents decided what to do long ago. They
(will spend / are spending) their holiday in Brighton* next month.
Maybe my brother ___________________ (will go / is going) to the
summer camp soon.

Ответ эксперта

I am Jay Douglas. My relatives are thinking about what To do in the summer.
My grandmother has decided what to do. She lias bought tickets. She is leavins tomorrow.
My sister doesn’t know where to go. I think she will so lo
Edinburgh next week. She has got a lot of friends there.
My parents decided what to do long ago. They are spending their holiday in Brighton next month.
Maybe my brother will so to the summer camp soon.

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