Philip Atkinson talks about his family. Complete each sentence with the preposition from the box. Hit I’m Philip Atkinson. I*m (0) England. My birthday is (1) __ April 29th. Alice and I live

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Philip Atkinson talks about his family. Complete each sentence with the preposition from the box.
Hit I’m Philip Atkinson.  I*m (0)             England.  My
birthday is (1) __________ April 29th. Alice and I live
(2) _________________ the farm. Now my family are
(3) ______________ our garden. When Oliver and Paul
are (4)________________holiday, they often stay with
us. (5)______weekends my children and grandchildren
help me on the farm. (6) ________ Saturdays we often
cook a barbecue. My sister lives (7) _________ London.
She often visits us (8)___________summer. Sometimes
we go (9)___________London (10) ___________ train.

Ответ эксперта

Hi! I’m Philip Atkinson. I’m (0) from England. My birthday is (1) on April 29th. Alice and I live (2) on the farm. Now my family are (3) in our garden. (4) On holidays Oliver and Paul often stay with us. (5) At weekends my children and grandchildren help me here. (6) On Saturdays we often cook barbecue here. My sister lives (7) in London. She often visits us (8) in summer. Sometimes we go (9) to London (10) by train.

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