Кirk has got a friend. His name is Will. How old are Will and his relatives?

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Кirk has got a friend. His name is Will. How old are Will and his relatives?

Ответ эксперта

Hi, I am Will. I am 10. I haven’t got a big family. I have got a father, a mother and grandparents. My parents are John and Sally. My father is 41, my mother is 35. My grandpa is 59 and my grandma is 57.

Привет, я Уил. Мне 10. У меня небольшая семья. У меня есть папа, мама и бабушка с дедушкой. Мои родители — Джон и Салли. Моему отцу 41, моей матери 35 лет. Дедушке 59, а моей бабушке 57 лет.

Ответ: Will is 10. His father is forty-one. His mother is thirty-five. His grandpa is fifty-nine. His grandma is fifty-seven.

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