The decomposition reaction HBr on simple substance proceeds in the vessel volume 2 liters.Initially, the in vessel containing the 0,5 mol/lit of hydrogen

Вопрос посетителя

The decomposition reaction HBr on simple substance proceeds in the vessel volume 2 liters.Initially, the in vessel containing the 0,5 mol/lit of hydrogen bromide , the after 20 seconds the amount substance was 0,3 mol / l,the after 40 seconds 0,1 mol/lit, and after 1 minute 0,05 mol/lit. Calculate the average of speed response of to the three time phases.

Ответ эксперта

Δt1  = 20 sec
Δt2  = 40 sec
Δt2  = 1 min = 60 sec
с1(НВr) = 0,5 mol/lit
с2(НВr)  = 0,3 mol/lit
с3(НВr)  = 0,1 mol/lit
с4(НВr)  = 0,05 mol/lit
υ1 — ?
υ2 — ?
υ3 — ?
υ₁=((0,5-0,3)mol/lit)/(20 sec.)=0,01 mol/lit∙sec.
υ₂=(С₂-С₃)/(Δt₂)=((0,3-0,1)mol/lit)/(40 sec.)=0,05 mol/lit∙sec
υ₃=(С₃-С₄)/(Δt₃)=((0,1-0,05)mol/lit)/(60 sec.)=0,0008 mol/lit•sec.
Answer: υ1 = 0,01 mol/lit • s
υ2 = 0,05 mol/lit • s
υ3 = 0,0008  mol/lit• s

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