Расспроси Питера Пэна об увлечениях потерянных мальчишек — Does Nibs like telling tales? — Do the Twins like telling tales?

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Расспроси   Питера  Пэна   об   увлечениях  потерянных  мальчишек
—  Does  Nibs  like telling tales?
—  Do the Twins like telling tales?

Ответ эксперта

Does Nibs like telling tales? — No, he doesn’t. He can’t tell tales well. Does Curly like telling tales? — No, he doesn’t. He can’t tell tales well. Do the Twins like telling tales? — No, they don’t. They can’t tell tales well.
Does Tootles like telling tales? — No, he doesn’t. He can’t tell tales well.

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