Read (he advice from these young people. Then say what each of them advises. Example: Nancy advises that wc should give each person a chance to speak because what cach

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Read (he advice from these young people. Then say what each of them advises.
Example: Nancy advises that wc should give each person a chance to speak because what cach person says is important. She advises that we should listen without interrupting.
Nancy: What each person says is important. Give each person a chance to speak.
And listen to people without interrupting.
Bruce: If you have done something wrong, admit your mistake. Say: «I was wrong.
I am sorry» In this way. you show respect for other people and self-respect.
William: Never call people names. Name-calling hurts. It also makes other people form stereotypes.
Sharon: If you want to say something that may hurt a person’s feelings, first tell the person what you appreciate about him / her and then what you don’t like.

Ответ эксперта

Bruce advices that we should admit our mistakes if we have done something wrong and say «I was wrong, I am sorry.», because in this way we show respect for other people and self-respect. (Брюс советует, что мы должны признать свои ошибки, если мы сделали что-то не так, и сказать: «Я был неправ, я сожалею.» Потому что в этом случае мы проявляем уважение к другим людям и самоуважение).

William advices that we should never call people names, because it hurts them. (Уильям советует, что мы никогда не должны обзывать людей, потому что это ранит их).

Sharon advices that if we want to say something that may hurt a person’s feelings, we should first tell the person what we appreciate about him/her and then what we don’t like. (Шарон советует, что если мы хотим что-то сказать, что может обидеть человека, мы должны сначала сказать человеку то, что мы ценим в нём/ней, а потом то, что нам не нравится).

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