Read the first two exchanges in the dialogue. Where are Bill and Lucy? What are they talking about? What do you think they will do?

Вопрос посетителя

Read the first two exchanges in the dialogue. Where are Bill and Lucy? What are they talking about? What do you think they will do?
Bill: Good morning, Lucy. — Доброе утро, Люси.
Lucy: Good morning, Bill. Where are Tony and Steve? — Доброе утро, Билл. А где Тони и Стив?

Ответ эксперта

Bill and Lucy are prob ably on holiday in a hotel. They are planning what to do for the day. Maybe they will decide to go windsurfing or scuba diving. — Билл и Люси, возможно на отдыхе в отеле. Они планируют, что будут делать в этот день. Может быть они решат покататься на виндсерфе или понырять.

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