Вставьте: over, into, out of, on, away from. 1 My cat got run over by a car yesterday. 2 We’ve run ought of petrol. We need to find a petrol station. 3 A lot of cars in Russia

Вопрос посетителя

Вставьте: over, into, out of, on, away from. 1 My cat got run over by a car yesterday. 2 We’ve run ought of petrol. We need to find a petrol station. 3 A lot of cars in Russia run on natural gas. 4 Guess what? I ran into Ivan at the library today. 5 I saw a thief running away from the police in town laSt night. b) Вставьте: in, from, to, of, about. 1 My dad feels very strongly about recycling. 2 The blue whale is in danger of extinction. 3 The WWF is trying to protect many species from becoming extinct. 4 CFC sprays are very harmful to the environment. 5 Fred is a great supporter of Manchester United.

Ответ эксперта

1 over (run over)
2 out of (run out of)
3 on (run on)
4 into (run into)
5 away from (run away from)

1 about
2 in
3 from
4 to
5 of

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