Match each of the statements (A-C) with a reason (1-3 . Which do you: agree with? disagree with? What other reasons can you think of? Can you think of any opposing viewpoints?

Вопрос посетителя

Match each of the statements (A-C) with a reason (1-3 . Which do you: agree with? disagree with? What other reasons can you think of? Can you think of any opposing viewpoints?
1 Technology is a part of modern life and children need to be familiar with it from an early age.
2 Fewer and fewer people are needed as more and more tasks are carried out by machines.
3 They cause disturbances in class.

Ответ эксперта


I agree with statement A. Mobile phones are also dangerous for your health. However, some people argue that it’s important for students to have mobile phones in case they are in danger (Я согласен с утверждением А. Мобильные телефоны также опасны для вашего здоровья. Тем не менее, некоторые люди утверждают, что для школьников важно иметь мобильные телефоны в случае, если они находятся в опасности).
I disagree with statement B as technology can create new types of jobs and opportunities. However, technology has replaced man power in the manufacturing industry (Я не согласен с утверждением B, так как технологии могут создать новые типы рабочих мест и возможностей. Однако, технология заменила живую силу в обрабатывающей промышленности)
I agree with statement C. Computers can help with school work e.g. for research on the Internet. However, more computers in schools cannot teach students how to spell and how to do Maths (Я согласен с утверждением С. Компьютеры могут помочь с школьной работой, например, для исследований в Интернете. Тем не менее, большинство школьных компьютеров не смогут научить школьников писать и решать математику)

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