Fill in the correct participle or preposition. • Please put the knife … on the table before you hurt somebody. • I don’t know how she puts … with her sons’ fights.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in the correct participle or preposition.
• Please put the knife … on the table before you hurt somebody.
• I don’t know how she puts … with her sons’ fights.
• The girl put… her black velvet dress.
• Could you please put the light…?
• This is a very difficult word. Put it… so you don’t forget.
• The concert is put… till next week.

Ответ от эксперта

• down (put down — положить)
• up (put up — смириться)
• on (put on — надеть)
• on (put on — подключить)
• down (put down — записать)
• off (put off — откладывать)

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