Tell this part of the story as if you are Fraser Use: gave Christmas presents to the animals, returned to the cave, fell asleep, was cold

Вопрос посетителя

Tell this part of the story as if you are Fraser
Use: gave Christmas presents to the animals, returned to the cave, fell asleep, was cold, couldn’t feel the tail, went out of the cave, saw a big wrapped present and a nice Christmas tree, opened the present, a warm blanket, began to cook Christmas dinner, had guests on Christmas Day, had a real Christmas, wasn’t cold during winter nights any more, made friends with the animals of the valley
I handed out Christmas gifts to animals and back to the cave. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning frozen.I do not feel the tail. I came out of the cave and saw a large wrapped gift and decorated Christmas tree. I opened the gift, there was a blanket. I am very happy! He returned to the cave and started to prepare Christmas dinner. In the evening guests arrived. We had a Christmas present!
I made friends with the animals of the valley, and I was no longer cold winter nights under a warm blanket.

Ответ эксперта

Я раздал рождественские подарки животным и вернулся в пещеру. Я заснул, а наутро проснулся замерзшим. Не чувствовал хвоста. Я вышел из пещеры и увидел большой завернутый подарок и украшенную елку. Я открыл подарок, там было шерстяное одеяло. Я очень обрадовался! Вернулся в пещеру и начал готовить рождественский ужин. Вечером пришли гости. У нас было настоящее Рождество!
Я подружился с животными долины и мне больше не было холодно зимними ночами под теплым одеялом.

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