Look at p. 42, Paul took these photos in his neighbourhood. Who or what needs the children’s help? What will the children do? What do you think?

Вопрос посетителя

Look at p. 42, Paul took these photos in his neighbourhood.
 Who or what needs the children’s help? What will the children do? What do you think?

Ответ эксперта

Фотографии на стр. 42 были сделаны в районе, где живёт Пол. Кому или чему требуется помощь ребят? Как вы думаете, что будут делать дети?
Второй рисунок: I think the children will rake leaves in the park.
Третий рисунок: I think the children will help in a local hospital.
Четвёртый рисунок: I think the children will pick up garbage in the river.

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