In your culture. Jay and Clare travelled to Russia two years ago. This is what Jay did in Russia. 1) Did Clare do the same things? Ask her. Complete her answers.

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In your culture. Jay and Clare travelled to Russia two years ago. This is what
Jay did in Russia.
1) Did Clare do the same things? Ask her. Complete her answers.
(0) Jay stayed at a hotel. Clare, did you stay at a hotel? Yes, I did.
1 Jay went on the excursion to Red Square.

Ответ от эксперта

(O)Jav staved at a hotel.
 Clare, did you stay at a hotel? Yes, I did
1,  Jay went on the excursion to Red Square.
Clare, did you go on the excursion to Red Square?
Yes, I did.  2.  Jay watched a football match at the Luzhniki Stadium.
Clare, did you watch a football match at the Luzhniki Stadium9 No, 1 didir t.
3.  Jay visited the famous sights of the centre of Moscow.
Clare, did you visit the famous sights of the centre of Moscow? Yes, T did.
4.  Jay sent an e-mail to his friends.
Clare, did you send an e-mail to his friends? No, I didn’t.
5.  Jay enjoyed the trip Clare, did you enjoy the trip? Yes, I did.

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