Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer became a knight of the shire of Kent in 1386 and probably lived in Kent for much of the … of his life

Вопрос посетителя

Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Sir Thopas is often …with Don Quixote, but Cervantes’ work comments profoundly upon the nature of human life itself
 (*ответ*) compared
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The house of Fame, an unfinished dream-poem, was composed some time between 13… and 1385 and is thought to be his last poem in the French form
 (*ответ*) 74
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The Miller’s tale is a “fabliau” – a comic tale, reflecting the life of … people
 (*ответ*) common
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Troilus and Criseyde, his first masterpiece, was completed between 1380 and 13…
 (*ответ*) 85
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: A meditation on the nature of love and of human … in particular, it is based on Boccaccio’s Il Filostrato and is Chaucer’s longest complete poem
 (*ответ*) love
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Although Philippa died in 13… Chaucer enjoyed Gaunt’s patronage throughout his life
 (*ответ*) 87
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And he adds to the fun by making the whole a … of the knight’s tale
 (*ответ*) parody
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And he tells the whole in a deadly (ужасный) … filled with cliches
 (*ответ*) singsong
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Begun sometime around 1386–…, The Canterbury Tales is one of the great literary achievements of the Middle Ages, although Chaucer never completed this immense project
 (*ответ*) 1387
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But it should be understood that there were good metrical romances … well – Sir Gawain and the Green Knight being the greatest
 (*ответ*) as
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: By the … century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly debased
 (*ответ*) fourteen
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer became a knight of the … of Kent in 1386
 (*ответ*) shire
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer became a knight of the shire of Kent in 1386 and probably lived in Kent for much of the … of his life
 (*ответ*) rest

Ответ эксперта

Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Sir Thopas is often …with Don Quixote, but Cervantes’ work comments profoundly upon the nature of human life itself
 (*ответ*) compared
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The house of Fame, an unfinished dream-poem, was composed some time between 13… and 1385 and is thought to be his last poem in the French form
 (*ответ*) 74
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: The Miller’s tale is a “fabliau” – a comic tale, reflecting the life of … people
 (*ответ*) common
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Troilus and Criseyde, his first masterpiece, was completed between 1380 and 13…
 (*ответ*) 85
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: A meditation on the nature of love and of human … in particular, it is based on Boccaccio’s Il Filostrato and is Chaucer’s longest complete poem
 (*ответ*) love
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Although Philippa died in 13… Chaucer enjoyed Gaunt’s patronage throughout his life
 (*ответ*) 87
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And he adds to the fun by making the whole a … of the knight’s tale
 (*ответ*) parody
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And he tells the whole in a deadly (ужасный) … filled with cliches
 (*ответ*) singsong
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Begun sometime around 1386–…, The Canterbury Tales is one of the great literary achievements of the Middle Ages, although Chaucer never completed this immense project
 (*ответ*) 1387
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But it should be understood that there were good metrical romances … well – Sir Gawain and the Green Knight being the greatest
 (*ответ*) as
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: By the … century, however, the form and subject of romance had become sadly debased
 (*ответ*) fourteen
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer became a knight of the … of Kent in 1386
 (*ответ*) shire
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Chaucer became a knight of the shire of Kent in 1386 and probably lived in Kent for much of the … of his life
 (*ответ*) rest

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