Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He had a _ in his mouth, and he took it out, and, after slowly blowing all his smoke away and looking

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Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: There were stronger differences between him and her, than there had been between him and his father, and it is suspected that he cherished a deep and mortal _ against her, as having influenced the father’s anger
 (*ответ*) grudge
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Why I was trying to pack _ into my tumbler, I am wholly unable to say. I only know that I found myself, with a perseverance worthy of a much better cause, making the most strenuous exertions to compress it within those limits
 (*ответ*) mine
 a mine
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «How am I going to live?» repeated Biddy, striking in, with a momentary flush upon her _
 (*ответ*) face
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: All this made the feast delightful, and when the waiter was not there to watch me, my pleasure was without _
 (*ответ*) alloy
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: All this while, the strange man looked at nobody but me, and looked at me as if he were determined to have a shot at me at last, and bring me _
 (*ответ*) down
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And here I may remark that when Mr. Wopsle referred to me, he considered it a necessary part of such reference to rumple my hair and poke it into my _
 (*ответ*) eyes
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: As he was so communicative, I felt that reserve on my part would be a _ return unsuited to our years
 (*ответ*) bad
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But he said nothing after offering his Blue Blazes observation, until the glasses of rum-and-water were brought; and then he made his shot, and a most extraordinary shot _
 (*ответ*) it was
 was it
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But there was a quantity of chalk about our _ and perhaps the people neglected no opportunity of turning it to account
 (*ответ*) country
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But, as I was used to sit beside Joe whenever I entered that place of resort, I said «No, thank you, sir,» and fell into the _ Joe made for me on the opposite settle
 (*ответ*) space
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Having his hand in, Mr. Wopsle finished _ with a most terrifically snarling passage from Richard the Third, and seemed to think he had done quite enough to account for it when he added,—as the poet says
 (*ответ*) off
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He did this _ that nobody but I saw the file; and when he had done it he wiped the file and put it in a breastpocket
 (*ответ*) so
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He had a _ in his mouth, and he took it out, and, after slowly blowing all his smoke away and looking hard at me all the time, nodded
 (*ответ*) pipe

Ответ эксперта

Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: There were stronger differences between him and her, than there had been between him and his father, and it is suspected that he cherished a deep and mortal _ against her, as having influenced the father’s anger
 (*ответ*) grudge
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Why I was trying to pack _ into my tumbler, I am wholly unable to say. I only know that I found myself, with a perseverance worthy of a much better cause, making the most strenuous exertions to compress it within those limits
 (*ответ*) mine
 a mine
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: «How am I going to live?» repeated Biddy, striking in, with a momentary flush upon her _
 (*ответ*) face
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: All this made the feast delightful, and when the waiter was not there to watch me, my pleasure was without _
 (*ответ*) alloy
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: All this while, the strange man looked at nobody but me, and looked at me as if he were determined to have a shot at me at last, and bring me _
 (*ответ*) down
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: And here I may remark that when Mr. Wopsle referred to me, he considered it a necessary part of such reference to rumple my hair and poke it into my _
 (*ответ*) eyes
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: As he was so communicative, I felt that reserve on my part would be a _ return unsuited to our years
 (*ответ*) bad
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But he said nothing after offering his Blue Blazes observation, until the glasses of rum-and-water were brought; and then he made his shot, and a most extraordinary shot _
 (*ответ*) it was
 was it
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But there was a quantity of chalk about our _ and perhaps the people neglected no opportunity of turning it to account
 (*ответ*) country
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: But, as I was used to sit beside Joe whenever I entered that place of resort, I said «No, thank you, sir,» and fell into the _ Joe made for me on the opposite settle
 (*ответ*) space
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: Having his hand in, Mr. Wopsle finished _ with a most terrifically snarling passage from Richard the Third, and seemed to think he had done quite enough to account for it when he added,—as the poet says
 (*ответ*) off
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He did this _ that nobody but I saw the file; and when he had done it he wiped the file and put it in a breastpocket
 (*ответ*) so
Find the one answer that truly corresponds to the original version of the novel: He had a _ in his mouth, and he took it out, and, after slowly blowing all his smoke away and looking hard at me all the time, nodded
 (*ответ*) pipe

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