Дополните предложение: At the same time, other young people in these countries often seek employment and independence in urban areas. and somewhat difficult to define.

Вопрос посетителя

Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) She takes lessons in drawing at the local art school.
B) Sarah’s mother, Grandma, as the children call her, — also lives with them.
 (*ответ*) А — да, В — нет
 А — да, В — да
 А — нет, В — нет
 А — нет, В — да
Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) Sometimes Steve takes Pauline to a pub where they meet some of their friends and sit and chat for an hour or so and sometimes they go dancing at the Mecca Ballroom.
B) Steve is very fond of Pauline.
 (*ответ*) А — да, В — да
 А — нет, В — нет
 А — да, В — нет
 А — нет, В — да
Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) Their son’s name is Steve.
B) He is 22.
 (*ответ*) А — да, В — да
 А — нет, В — нет
 А — да, В — нет
 А — нет, В — да
Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) They are going to get married in a year.
B) Steve’s sister, Alice, is a lovely, quiet and serious girl.
 (*ответ*) А — да, В — да
 А — нет, В — нет
 А — да, В — нет
 А — нет, В — да
Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) They live on a farm near York?
B) Has he bought the flowers?
 (*ответ*) А — нет, В — да
 А — да, В — да
 А — нет, В — нет
 А — да, В — нет
Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) The Cornfords live in Rugby — at 35 Daisy Street.
B) John Cornford is — a rich businessman of about fifty.
 (*ответ*) А — нет, В — нет
 А — да, В — да
 А — да, В — нет
 А — нет, В — да
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Grand weddings are popular on Grande Comore even though economic development _ republic has been held back by coups d’etat, assassinations and military rule.
 (*ответ*) in the three-island
 on the three-island
 in the three-islands
 on the three-islands
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Pelicans are sexually mature when they are two to four years old. _ many birds, a male pelican makes no fuss of mating. He may do some head movements, inscribing a figure eight in the air to attract a female’s attention.
 (*ответ*) Unlike
 As if
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: The bedroom is a place where kids can reflect on what happened during the day, _ they can sit down and read a book.
 (*ответ*) where
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: _ this was not possible, the case was dismissed
 (*ответ*) Since
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: _ the leader lifts its wings, each bird behind it also lifts, almost in unison.
 (*ответ*) As
Дополните предложение: A common variant of the nuclear
 (*ответ*) family is the one-parent family.
 and somewhat difficult to define.
 received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
 pathogen the next time it is encountered.
Дополните предложение: A family is a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting with
 (*ответ*) each other in their respective social positions of husband and wife, mother and father, son and daughter, brother and sister.
 lost her fight to receive the treatment for cancer that she needs.
 was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
 transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
Дополните предложение: A much more common form of family
 (*ответ*) organization, one that is typical in parts of India, is the joint family.
 would cost ?75,000.
 received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
 transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
Дополните предложение: A young man might visit his intended bride in her parental home and bring gifts, discuss
 (*ответ*) common interests, and perhaps go for walks.
 lost her fight to receive the treatment for cancer that she needs.
 would cost ?75,000.
 transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
Дополните предложение: About 10,000 years ago in the Neolithic Period, man achieved relatively fixed settlement, but for perhaps 5,000 years such living was confined to the semipermanent peasant village—semipermanent
 (*ответ*) because, when the soil had been exhausted by the relatively primitive methods of cultivation, the entire village was usually compelled to pick up and move to another location.
 the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
 was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
 if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
Дополните предложение: As a household unit, the extended family is most common where ties between kinsmen
 (*ответ*) are important for economic reasons.
 and somewhat difficult to define.
 if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
 her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
Дополните предложение: As a type of community, the city may be regarded as a relatively permanent concentration of population, together withits diverse habitations, social arrangements, and supporting activities, occupying a
 (*ответ*) more or less discrete site, and having a cultural importance that differentiates it from other types of human settlement and association.
 pathogen the next time it is encountered.
 adopted at the University of Cambridge, has become widely popular.
 her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
Дополните предложение: As human settlements increased in size, by reason of the technological advances in irrigation and cultivation,
 (*ответ*) the need for improving the circulation of goods and people became ever more acute.
 the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
 was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
 her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
Дополните предложение: As with marital roles, there seems to be a trend toward the reduction of differences in
 (*ответ*) parental roles among social classes.
 the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
 caused considerable debate over priorities in the health service.
 received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
Дополните предложение: At the same time, other young people in
 (*ответ*) these countries often seek employment and independence in urban areas.
 and somewhat difficult to define.
 pathogen the next time it is encountered.
 caused considerable debate over priorities in the health service.

Ответ эксперта

Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) She takes lessons in drawing at the local art school.
B) Sarah’s mother, Grandma, as the children call her, — also lives with them.
 (*ответ*) А — да, В — нет
 А — да, В — да
 А — нет, В — нет
 А — нет, В — да
Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) Sometimes Steve takes Pauline to a pub where they meet some of their friends and sit and chat for an hour or so and sometimes they go dancing at the Mecca Ballroom.
B) Steve is very fond of Pauline.
 (*ответ*) А — да, В — да
 А — нет, В — нет
 А — да, В — нет
 А — нет, В — да
Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) Their son’s name is Steve.
B) He is 22.
 (*ответ*) А — да, В — да
 А — нет, В — нет
 А — да, В — нет
 А — нет, В — да
Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) They are going to get married in a year.
B) Steve’s sister, Alice, is a lovely, quiet and serious girl.
 (*ответ*) А — да, В — да
 А — нет, В — нет
 А — да, В — нет
 А — нет, В — да
Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) They live on a farm near York?
B) Has he bought the flowers?
 (*ответ*) А — нет, В — да
 А — да, В — да
 А — нет, В — нет
 А — да, В — нет
Верны ли предложения? (Обратите внимание на пунктуацию)
A) The Cornfords live in Rugby — at 35 Daisy Street.
B) John Cornford is — a rich businessman of about fifty.
 (*ответ*) А — нет, В — нет
 А — да, В — да
 А — да, В — нет
 А — нет, В — да
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Grand weddings are popular on Grande Comore even though economic development _ republic has been held back by coups d’etat, assassinations and military rule.
 (*ответ*) in the three-island
 on the three-island
 in the three-islands
 on the three-islands
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Pelicans are sexually mature when they are two to four years old. _ many birds, a male pelican makes no fuss of mating. He may do some head movements, inscribing a figure eight in the air to attract a female’s attention.
 (*ответ*) Unlike
 As if
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: The bedroom is a place where kids can reflect on what happened during the day, _ they can sit down and read a book.
 (*ответ*) where
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: _ this was not possible, the case was dismissed
 (*ответ*) Since
Выберите правильный вариант ответа: _ the leader lifts its wings, each bird behind it also lifts, almost in unison.
 (*ответ*) As
Дополните предложение: A common variant of the nuclear
 (*ответ*) family is the one-parent family.
 and somewhat difficult to define.
 received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
 pathogen the next time it is encountered.
Дополните предложение: A family is a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting with
 (*ответ*) each other in their respective social positions of husband and wife, mother and father, son and daughter, brother and sister.
 lost her fight to receive the treatment for cancer that she needs.
 was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
 transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
Дополните предложение: A much more common form of family
 (*ответ*) organization, one that is typical in parts of India, is the joint family.
 would cost ?75,000.
 received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
 transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
Дополните предложение: A young man might visit his intended bride in her parental home and bring gifts, discuss
 (*ответ*) common interests, and perhaps go for walks.
 lost her fight to receive the treatment for cancer that she needs.
 would cost ?75,000.
 transplant had already failed, there was little chance of a cure.
Дополните предложение: About 10,000 years ago in the Neolithic Period, man achieved relatively fixed settlement, but for perhaps 5,000 years such living was confined to the semipermanent peasant village—semipermanent
 (*ответ*) because, when the soil had been exhausted by the relatively primitive methods of cultivation, the entire village was usually compelled to pick up and move to another location.
 the conception of good health must involve some allowance for change in the environment.
 was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
 if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
Дополните предложение: As a household unit, the extended family is most common where ties between kinsmen
 (*ответ*) are important for economic reasons.
 and somewhat difficult to define.
 if his behaviour is like that of a majority of his fellows.
 her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
Дополните предложение: As a type of community, the city may be regarded as a relatively permanent concentration of population, together withits diverse habitations, social arrangements, and supporting activities, occupying a
 (*ответ*) more or less discrete site, and having a cultural importance that differentiates it from other types of human settlement and association.
 pathogen the next time it is encountered.
 adopted at the University of Cambridge, has become widely popular.
 her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
Дополните предложение: As human settlements increased in size, by reason of the technological advances in irrigation and cultivation,
 (*ответ*) the need for improving the circulation of goods and people became ever more acute.
 the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
 was given chemotherapy and the treatment, seemed to be successful.
 her father took her and her sister on holiday to Disneyland.
Дополните предложение: As with marital roles, there seems to be a trend toward the reduction of differences in
 (*ответ*) parental roles among social classes.
 the latter practice generally being followed also by business organizations.
 caused considerable debate over priorities in the health service.
 received a bone marrow transplant from her younger sister.
Дополните предложение: At the same time, other young people in
 (*ответ*) these countries often seek employment and independence in urban areas.
 and somewhat difficult to define.
 pathogen the next time it is encountered.
 caused considerable debate over priorities in the health service.

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